
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Artist's Way: Creating a Sense of Safety

A new 12-week Artist’s Way group began last night and six lovely women showed up at my doorstep eager with anticipation for our creative journey to begin. The room was prepared and ready to receive them:

After introductions and sharing, we used our remaining time to collage our journals. The paper and glue was aflyin’ (and the tea was aspillin’!). And while the ladies were busy cutting and gluing, Brandi Carlile was providing nice music in the background.

I always open our sessions by reading an affirmation from Louise Hay’s Meditations to Heal Your Life. Last night I chose to read about Expectations. I’ll share the words of Louise here:

I love myself in this present moment exactly as I am. As I do this, I feel my stomach relax, and I feel the muscles in my neck and back adjust themselves gently. I used to resist loving and accepting myself, believing that I had to wait until I lost the weight or got the job, the love, the money, or whatever. What happened was that when I lost the weight or got the money, I still didn’t love myself, and I just made another list. Today, I drop my list of expectations! This moment is incredibly powerful. I am enjoying the feeling of just letting myself be who I am.

1 comment:

gl. said...

brightest wishes to you & everyone in your group. it'll be fun to read your series in lieu of hosting my own...