I finally got back to the studio last week after doing a thorough cleaning, organizing, and airing out. I'm funny that way. After I complete a big project (like Strange Voices From the Abyss), I need to get myself reset before I continue on. So, last week after getting things tidied, I finished a project I had started at Artfest in Stephanie Lee's Paletteability class last March.
Then I started a project for my sister and Howard using techniques I learned last year in Pat Wheeler's The Architecture of Memory at Oregon Collage of Art and Craft.
And finally, Destree's kiddos, Olivia and Deven, came over to play. We got started on painting a branch that Olivia had found at the park across the street and generously donated to the studio (well, I kept saying, "What are you going to do with that branch? until she finally left it for me in the back yard of the studio).
It was a good day.
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