I ran into SCRAP on Friday afternoon and while passing by SCRAP's Vision Gallery I did a double take. I entered the gallery and began trembling. The show took my breath away. It really did. As I began scanning the room, I noticed the artist bio near the door and put together that the artist had walked into the room. I knew it was her because she has such a unique, funky look to her. I asked, "Are you the artist?" Yep, it was Mar Goman herself. I told her how struck I was by her work, by the entire installation. She shared a bit of the story of how she created her work for the show, Lucy: A True Story. It all began when she found a blanket from the Oregon State Hospital in an antique store . . .
The closing of the Oregon State Hospital is what got my whole project going....I was interested in the proposed memorial for the patients who died and were buried on the grounds there. And this research led me to other websites, and eventually I came upon the Lucy story....so its all connected. I found the Oregon State Hospital blanket in an antique store, and that was what led me to 'imagine' the location as OSH---plus it was timely. Lucy could actually have been in any one of a number of hospitals with the same ultimate result. Mar
Here's a photo of Mar and then, with her permission, photos of her show.
The show runs through June 26th and I highly recommend you stop by SCRAP to see Mar's show. I plan to go back for another look.
Lucy died at the Oregon State Hospital in 1922 . . .
BIG Swoon, this is such an important installation, it really needs to be seen in Salem. It would be wonderful for it to be purchased and be on permanent display somewhere.
i saw her most recent show at 23 sandy gallery and quite liked it: i was pretty disappointed i was unable to attend her artist's talk about one of the pieces she created in collaboration with a poet.
WOW just amazing!
Someone who has a connection to the State Hospital's museum should make this happen. Incredible!
I am so jealous..l wish l could fly over and see it...an amazing piece of work. An Art Installation to be proud of. I hope some one buys it and puts it on pernament show!!!
It was great to see your pictures of Mar's show. I have loved her work for years, but this show is the most amazing yet, in my opinion. I wrote in Mar's guestbook that this installation should be in the Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum (home of The Dinner Party.)
Thanks so much Dayna for giving me the heads up on this one. Wow I was totally blown away. How moving and powerful. Thanks to you I did not miss it even though I am a SCRAP frequent flier! Jo Grishman
Thanks for posting and taking pictures of this!! I will definitely be stopping by for it....maybe I'll make it a first in a long time Artist's Way Date!!
Hi Mar: I,ve been trying to find you. Love your new work. So incredibly profound and moving.
I went through a nasty divorce that took my breath away for a few years, but I,m back up and working again. Would like to finish the doll book I started with you in it. Will you contact me at
Would like to know more about the Daddy Stories.
Sara Austin
you can see some of my new work on profile page of face book
Look forward to hearing from you.
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