I needed to finish up some paintings for my upcoming show at Guardino Gallery, The Heart of the Matter, but due to a scheduling hiccup, my husband needed my help at his office. I'm not very proficient with the actual workings of the office, but I am good at answering the phones and greeting clients who stop by. Therefore, I made a deal with my husband: I'll answer the phones and look presentable sitting at the desk for anyone stopping by, but when I wasn't answering or greeting, I would be painting Fearless Faces. I spread out a big tarp and painted throughout the afternoon (thank heavens Friday afternoons are usually quiet).
Disclaimer: I am not a crazy cat lady. However, I do have a pretty cute six-toed cat, Sinatra (as in Nancy Sinatra and her song These Boots Are Made For Walking), who just happens to be our office cat. Sinatra decided she would supervise my afternoon of painting.
I completed three Fearless Faces for the Heart show. The first, No. 5: Awaken, features a Carl Jung quote written on the black band holding the face together:
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
The second piece, No. 8: Little Heart, features a tiny little heart on his chest. The repurposed board is nicked and pockmarked with all kinds of history, parts of it even look like writing.
And my favorite Fearless Face? No. 9: Heart Felt.
For show information, click here.
Dayna your faces keep getting better and better. They are so colorful and primitive.
love these!!
your faces make up a nice body of work. congratulations!
aren't we lucky with our husbands?xxGood luck with showxxlynda
these are fantastic...love the raw feel and the bold colors. Great pic of Sinatra kickin back, lol
You must be so excited. I am going to see if I can get out tomorrow night to come see the show.
Looove Sinatra! :)
I love seeing them all together like that!!
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