
Thursday, May 3, 2012

April Photo a Day

I decided to do one more month of Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day challenge. It's a fun project, but seems to have become just one more thing on my daily to do list, so I haven't even looked at her May list, hoping that will prevent me from being sucked into the photo-taking vortex. I present to you, my April photos!

Day 1: your reflection

Day 2: colour

Day 3: mail

Day 4: someone who makes you happy (my Salem Art Group and here we are at the opening of our Blue Show at Venti's on the 4th!)

Day 5: tiny

Day 6: lunch

Day 7: shadow

Day 8: inside your wallet

Day 9: younger you

Day 10: cold

Day 11: where you ate breakfast

Day 12: stairs

Day 13: something you found

Day 14: how you feel today

Day 15: sunset (okay, I cheated . . . .)

Day 16: flower

Day 17: something you don't like

Day 18: hair

Day 19: orange

Day 20: something you drew

Day 21: bottle(s)

Day 22: the last thing you bought (make that "things")

Day 23: vegetable(s)

Day 24: something you are grateful for (two good friends!)

Day 25: looking down

Day 26: black and white

Day 27: somewhere you went

Day 28: 1 pm

Day 29: circle

Day 30: something that makes you sad


Carole Kurth said...

I really like when you do these challenges. It makes me want to try them too! The variety of 'queries' and photos is intriqing, and an altered book with a photo a day for a year, using the prompts would be a cool challenge for any of us.

Thanks for all the NOLA photos and stories--I'd love to go there sometime.

Enjoy your day!

by Jami said...

my favorites are: black and white and circle. both fabulous geometric patterny pictures (something I like alot)... and I really like the "something you're grateful for" both the content and the actual picture. It takes an Artist Eye to see things in such a different way.