Last night was Part II of an art project that was started last week and ready to have paint added. The limestone clay was dry and the students were itchin' to add some color. Unfortunately Keeley couldn't join us, so Sam brought another friend, Cindy, for our playtime. Since Cindy didn't have a plastered board, she played on a 10x10 canvas. The process for the others was to sand down their clay, scritch and make marks, then add paint. The best quote of the night was from Sam:
Oh, I love scritchin' so much! I never knew I would love scritchin' this much. Yes, indeed, Sam, scritchin' and spritzin' are mighty fun.
We thought we were finished for the evening, when Deven and Olivia showed up to finish their pieces!
We again thought we were done for the night, but Howard and Sam decided they wanted to get their pieces waxed and wired. Mission accomplished.
Happy campers.
And in the end . . .
Such happy faces!!! How do you get those words on there? Very cool!!
What a fun day you all had, I wonder what it would be like if Norm made art with me? Thanks for sharing all the how I make it details with us.
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