Class two with Cynthia Herron happened a couple of weeks ago (to see what we did in class one, click here). The most recent class involved some color theory, looking at the art of other artists, and then playing with color ourselves. Yeehaw, I love me some color.
I just keep telling myself it's a process. I got some initial paint down during class, then played a bit at the studio. I will fine tune it before class on Thursday night. As with all of my pieces, it is a work in progress until the final declaration is made: it is done.
So, I just couldn't warm up to the big ball of yellow in the piece from our first class. It was nice enough, but it wasn't me. So I started to rework the piece entirely and it is still not done, but I wanted to share a bit of the process from here to there . . . and beyond. Stay tuned for another update. For now, bye bye sun.
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