Wednesday was the monthly meeting of my Salem Art Group and it was a full day of arty playing. Katy, one of our members, owns the Art Department in downtown Salem (well, she owns it with her husband . . .) and at the back of the store is a lovely, big, bright work space. Wednesday had our name written all over it. One of the things I did was deconstruct the monstrosity of a skirt that I'm modeling in the above photo. While I started in on that, the other ladies started in on a variety of their own projects (after we did about a two hour show and tell!).
I was the first to arrive . . .
. . . but in no time at all we had taken over all of the tables!
I spent the day working on two Fearless Faces makeovers; I just felt they needed a new look. So here are the two faces, before and after!
Before . . ..
And after . . . .
Before . . . .
And after . . .
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