My creative life started when I began arting up bowling pins. You can read the whole story and see more about the Alley Art part of my life at my website by clicking here. In the beginning, I decorated a lot of bowling pins. I've done custom orders, sold them at the Salem Saturday Market, did a couple of Arts and Crafts Fairs at Christmastime, and they were even juried into the Silverton Fine Arts Festival. They were on display at Willamette University, at a little restaurant in downtown Salem, and a local boutique sold them for a while. They have even been featured in a couple of our hometown newspapers. As you might guess, there isn't a huge demand for arted up bowling pins and my interests began to shift elsewhere. However, my basement has a huge inventory of completed bowling pins with dozens of different themes.
Well, my dear husband is a bowler (and I must admit, I have my own purple bowling ball and my own spiffy black and white bowling shoes), so when we snuck away a couple of weeks ago to bowl at lunchtime, I asked the guy who owns the pro shop at the bowling alley if he would consider having some of my bowling pins in his shop. Sure, he said. So today, Howard and I once again snuck away for a little noon-time bowling and along with our bowling gear, we took in 21 bowling pins. I'm selling them at the reduced price of $20 each (and Rick, the owner of Stars and Strikes Pro Shop, will get a percentage of each sale). They looked so cute in his shop and several people poked their heads in to check them out! (Oh, and I bowled a 124 and a 145 today!!)
P.S. If you're trying to find a gift for that hard to buy for person, I have lots of bowling pins in stock. The cost is $20 plus shipping and handling. Let me know what theme you want and I'll see what I have!
Glad you are back into the pins for a bit...reminds me of the good ol' days!
my computer just noticed a bunch of posts from december! so sorry for the late comment, but it's a delight to see the pins again!
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